Sunday, 28 September 2008

Beside the seaside

Monologue for a Sunday in September:
"What to do... what to do...

But wait! What is this glowing ball of fire I see in the sky?

Why... 'tis the SUN!

Right. Forget the housework, I'm off to the seaside, and I'm takin' the camera with me."

Brighton was certainly bright this afternoon - maybe a little too bright but the West Pier was looking decidedly sorry for itself in its derelict state. So I took pity on it and took photos of it in its misery.

And then, to ensure the fully-functional Palace Pier didn't feel too left out, I took photos there, too.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Flower power

Some more shots taken in my parents' garden on an uncharacteristically sunny but dewy morning, with the 10x macro lens again, on an 18-55mm kit lens.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Megan is another of my willing volunteer models (thanks, Megs!).

On a grey, drizzly day we drove to Priory Park, Reigate, to hijack the playground (what is it with me and playgrounds?!) and got some fun shots, before setting up in our church.

Unfortunately the light is poor in the church building so many of the shots I took were blurred, but a few were definitely workable!

Here is just a small selection.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

How does your garden grow?

These floral photos were taken in my parents' garden, early August (with a 10x macro lens).

I'm all about the frames at the moment...


Nikki kindly volunteered to be my subject in Redhill - not the most picturesque of towns but Nikki was very amenable, spinning round on a roundabout while I tried to capture motion blur (of course my ISO setting was too high at 1600 so the motion blur has been added in Photoshop Elements, which I'm still grappling with - live and learn!) and posing naturally, despite the dizziness...

Frames also added in Elements, using templates from Digital Camera magazine.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Faye and Kasia

These two lovely ladies (Faye, left, Kasia, above) are my colleagues and were kind enough not only to pose like absolute professionals but also to let me post a few of their shots here on Blogspot.

I'm getting used to the manual setting (although being boss-eyed inhibits the ability to focus somewhat - that's my story and I'm sticking to it...) and I'm thoroughly enjoying taking portraits. The trick is, of course, having willing subjects, and Faye and Kasia are game for another shoot in October!

Below: with thanks to Digital Camera magazine's free, downloadable frames - that's what ya get!