Sunday, 28 August 2011

Salzburg Selections

Soooo... on Monday I got back from five glorious and culturally-rich (OK, caffeine-rich) days of shlepping around beautiful, hot Salzburg and taking (about 80% of) The Sound of Music tour (the tour company forgot to pick us up from the hostel). Salzburg is a typographical geek's heaven with beautiful shop signs even for the most fundamental of shops.

I've uploaded most of these to my Flickr stream but just in case... here they are!

1 comment:

The Curious Cat said...

Some lovely photos here-I love Salzburg! Just wanted to say thanks for your message earlier in the week. Sorry I was slow at replying. Kasia was up this weekend and we talked of you and how we'd love to see you sometime. I hope we can meet up. I hope all is going well with work and you are happy! Much love and hugs and thanks for your support! :) xxx