I've fallen in love.
With Pinterest. Well, with pinning, and with having little notifications come through to my email saying that other people have Liked or Repinned my pins. It's extremely validating! But it's also gratifying to find a community of people with strong opinions on what floats their artistic, aesthetic boats, and a strong direction for their lives. (I'm feeling profound -- forgive me?)
So to that end, here are the last 12 items I pinned, for your enjoyment!
12. Jessie J | Who You Are [Boombox Series]
11. Envelope journals | part II
10. Envelope journals | part I
9. Cocktail umbrella wreath
8. Bookshop Animation
7 to 3 Tatty Devine necklaces
2. Upcycled notebooks | by ellie ellie
1. Sweet illustration | artist unknown at present...