Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Top 10 Tuesday #5!

Yes, I know, it's Wednesday. Tuesday disappeared into the ether with the same rapidity as two bowls of Ben&Jerry's Phish Food disappeared down my gullet. But here is this week's...

Top 10 Places I'd like to visit

10. Dublin, Ireland -- for the craic

9. Barcelona, Spain -- for the architecture

8. Chicago, USA -- for the film connections

7. San Francisco -- for a second time -- because it's fabulous

6. Giza, Egypt... -- for the pyramids and the camels

5. Sweden -- again -- because it's incredible

4. Hope Cove, Devon -- for writerly inspiration

3. Tokyo, Japan -- for the bright lights and quirk

2. Paris, France -- for the heck of it/photographic opportunities

1. New York, USA -- for the shopping experience


All piccies are from Microsoft except no. 4. I took that one. :)

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